California Proposes to Ban Bitcoin from Charity Raffles
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California Proposes to Ban Bitcoin from Charity Raffles

THELOGICALINDIAN - The afresh submitted Senate Bill 741 would prohibit the auction of raffle tickets for Bitcoin and added cryptocurrenciesin the accompaniment of California

A bill that addresses the adjustment of organizations that conduct alms raffles in California was submitted by Tony Mendoza, a California State Assemblyman aftermost week. Senate Bill 741 would acquiesce non-profit organizations “established by, or affiliated with, a commune agronomical association, canton fair association, or citrus bake-apple fair association” to accurately advertise raffle tickets in the State.


While the bill allows the use of cyberbanking accessories to advertise raffle tickets and online advertisement, it prohibits the use of annihilation that can be defined as aperture machines as able-bodied as internet sales of raffle tickets.

The bill additionally includes Bitcoin, specifically, stating:

Similar mentions accept been ahead fabricated in added bills accompanying to raffles. On October 5, 2024 the Governor active a bill prohibiting sports organizations from exchanging raffle tickets for Bitcoin or any added cryptocurrency.

While these are bad account for Bitcoinists in the state, the bill additionally applies the aforementioned measures to any sales “conducted any address over the Internet,” apparently excluding online acquittal casework like PayPal as well.

With Bitcoin actuality a focus for abounding countries’ contempo regulations, befitting clue of all these changes can be hard. If you’re not 100% abiding of what you can or can’t do in your State, you can analysis Coincenter’s State Digital Currency Regulation Tracker, which break bottomward the accepted authoritative climate for anniversary State.

It is cryptic why cryptocurrencies are not accustomed in this case as one of the best accordant use cases for Bitcoin and blockchain technology is, in fact, charity. The cellophane attributes of the blockchain, forth with the immutability that is provided by the bags of computers that advance the network, accomplish it perfect for about absolute donations.


Not alone does Bitcoin accompany the accepted allowances that we’ve developed acclimated to, such as faster alteration times and lower transaction fees, it additionally allows the organizations to be 100% cellophane in the way the donations are actuality used. Donors and charities can booty advantage of the accessible balance to verify that the donations are actually being put to acceptable use.

Furthermore, Bitcoin as a borderless bill gets rid of any barter restrictions applied, acceptance anyone in the apple to accord to their admired alignment or cause.

So, why worry? Even if you won’t be able to buy your raffle admission in California, you’ll still be able to accord to charities online with ease. There are abounding charities that are either Bitcoin-based or accept added a Bitcoin acquittal option.

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Among these are the Red Cross and the Water Project, a non-profit alignment that provides admission to clean, safe and reliable baptize beyond sub-Saharan Africa.

Other organizations focus alone on Bitcoin-based donations. This is the case of BitGive, the aboriginal Bitcoin-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which was founded in 2013 and has partnered with assorted all-embracing abatement efforts, bounded charities, and all-around campaigns. Another organization, HelperBit, additionally focuses alone on Bitcoin as a P2P Natural Disaster Aid platform.

Why do you anticipate California is attempting to ban Bitcoin from alms raffles? Share your thoughts below!

Images address of Shutterstock, Red Cross